Landscape Maintenance
Hunter Landscape is recognized for providing the highest quality landscape maintenance in each market we serve. Weekly maintenance is performed by crews that are continually trained in the latest horticultural practices. Each day, they set the standard in turf and irrigation management, fertilization, seasonal color design, landscape renovation, and professional tree care.
Proactive portfolio managers, field supervisors, and irrigation technicians continually monitor quality, optimize the timing, quantity, and frequency of water applications, and suggest budget conscious ways to enhance your property’s beauty, safety, and water efficiency.
We pride ourselves in delivering outstanding value and customer service while striving to be attentive to the environment by using ecologically responsible products and practices. Hunter Landscape operates a large-scale composting facility that processes 100% of the green waste generated by our landscape maintenance and tree care operations. To date, over 2.5 million yards of green waste has been diverted from local landfills and converted into valuable products such as compost and mulch. In turn, these products are returned to our landscapes to aid water retention, improve soil structure, and control weeds; conserving precious resources and reducing the need for chemicals.